Important terms
A schedule of terms that allows me to keep the schedule under control and not forget any important term of my studies.
I can find the current faculty and university schedule here.
Enrollment in the 1st year
I will come in person to enroll in the 1st year at FEM. I will get a lot of important information about my study.
Dormitory application
Where and how can I apply for accommodation at CZU dormitories?
Where can I view my schedule and sign up for my sport and language? Which week is odd and which is even?
Beginning of the 1st semester (WS)
Where do I get a student card? How does the course Introduction to study take place? Where can I get a textbook or where can I go for food? That, and i’ll find out even more here.
Elective courses and other activities
How do I enroll in optional courses for the summer semester? And what about any sports or other activities?
Credit week during the WS
What is a credit and how do I receive one?
Exam period during the WS
How can I register for the exam? When does the WS begin and what should I bring to the exam?
Preparations for the SS (New schedule)
I am starting the 2nd semester. What do I need to do before the start of the summer semester? And when should I enroll for classes for my schedule?
Beginning of the summer semester (SS)
When does the summer semester start? When can I register for the course? What are the conditions for progression to the 2nd semester?
Credit week during the SS
What is a credit and how do I receive one?
Exam period during the SS
When does the exam period in the SS begin? Do I have the option of some correction dates after the end of the exam period in the SS?
Checking marks
Do I have all of the credits and exam marks? I will check if I have all of the marks written in the e-study record in UIS.
Enrollment in the 2nd year of study
Students who meet the conditions for advancement to a higher year (minimum 60 credits) will be enrolled in the IS by a study assistant without personal presence at the faculty.