Exam period during the WS
How can I register for the exam? When does the WS begin and what should I bring to the exam?
How I can register for the exam?
I enroll into the exam via University Information System (UIS). I login in using my student account details and click on Students Portal in the section My College. A table will appear in which I will click on the icon with the paper and pencil in the registration for exams field for the given subject. Use the black arrow to enroll in the exam.
When does the exam period start for the WS?
The winter exam period starts on January 4, 2021 and ends on February 7, 2021 Some teachers may create pre-term exam dates earlier, usually one week before the exam period. Due to this I can pass some exams before the Christmas holidays.
What should I wear?
For every exam it is recommended I come in formal attire. Decent clothing is the basis for the first impression of the oral exam. For written exams, I can leave my jacket at home (but I won't ruin anything If I do take it). However, it is still true for me to keep the formality of my clothes and avoid extravagances or strong fashion fads. It is important to be prepared for the exam, i.e. to know the subject matter.
What should I bring with me?
For the exam, I need an identity card, passport or student card. Some tools are available to me during exams, such as spreadsheets or a calculator.
How can I unregister from an exam?
I can also opt out of the exams within the UIS system. After logging into the system I click on Students Portal in the section My College, then I click on the pencil and paper icon called Registration for exams. The procedure is the same as when I want to register for the exam. After clicking on the icon, I will see a table with dates on which I can register and also a second table showing already entered dates. In this table, at the end of the relevant row, I click on the arrow icon in the Logout column. (Warning! I can only opt out of exams until a certain time, after that I won't be able to!).
Tips and tricks during the exam period
Exam dates
Think carefully about the dates of the exams and how much time you will need to prepare.
We recommend starting with more difficult tests and leaving nothing to the last minute.
Watch dog
If the capacity for the exam is full, the so-called watchdog will help you, you will find it next to the arrows when registering for the exam.
Exchange an exam date with a friend at full capacity
We recommend that you take this step at night, when you are less likely to run into someone else taking the spot instead.
Create a schedule where you can record exactly how many hours you will devote to learning on a given day, along with your other many activities.
You can also use special applications such as Focus Keeper or Forest, for example, they can help you schedule time for leaning and breaks, where you can also compete with your classmates.
Reward yourself for learning a new chapter, or for passing an exam.
Take breaks, shorter or longer. If you are taking a long break consider going out for a walk. Your brain will oxygenate and then you will be able to learn the study material better.
There is nothing easier than finding out from classmates what the exam was like and what the teacher is basing the exam on.
Learning with a friend
Once you have mastered the material a bit, learn with a friend in the form of an exam. You will both remember much more and it will be very beneficial for the both of you.
Style of learning
Find out which method of learning best suits you, and hold on to it!
Find a quiet place or just a place in general where you will be able to learn well.
Remove everything that distracts you, especially your phone!
Home appliances
Make sure to check your appliances. If you have an oral exam through MS Teams, you need to test the functionality of the sound, microphone and camera beforehand so there are no technical issues during the exam.
Food and drink
Before you start learning, stock up on food and drink so that nothing disturbs you. We recommend chocolate, nuts, various seeds or fruits. If you do not have enough energy, you can also use a „Boost“ in the form of coffee, green or black tea, and other appropriate beverages.
Don’t overdo it and get enough sleep. After all, we only have one body and, moreover, sleep is half the battle.