Study materials
Where can I get all the study materials I need? Information about what study materials I will need will be provided by the teacher for the subject.
Textbooks and study materials are available to me:
- In the Moodle information system (materials provided directly by the subject teacher – moodle course),
- in the FEM Reprographic studio (new textbooks, tables, and other study aids),
- in the Library CZU (study materials and textbooks intended for study on the spot or for loan – usually for a semester),
- online directly on the e-shop CZU,
- on the textbook exchange,
- other places.

CZU Library
In the Study and Information Center, in addition to the Card Center, cash registers and readings rooms, I will also find a library and several study rooms. I will definitely also like to use the spacious dressing room in the basement of the building.
You can find out more information on how to register for CZU Library and start using the loan services for various textbooks and study materials by clicking on the CZU Library button.
Reprographic center FEM
I can buy new textbooks in the premises of the FEM Reprographic Center, issued primarily by the Faculty of Economics and Management. The operating hours and other services offered by the Reprographic Center can be found by clicking on the Printing and Copying button
I will also use the list of textbooks that are currently available
E-shop CZU
The e-shop of the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague offers textbooks and recommended literature. I can search for the textbook in the catalog by study program or by department. After receiving the e-mail about the processing of the order, I will pick up my textbook on the ground floor of the CZU Study and Information Center building in Prague, in office no. 110 or I can have them sent by post. I will always pick up the order during delivery hours, as follows:
Mon – Fri 9:00 - 12:00, 13:00 - 15:00
ATTENTION! E-shop for personal collection closed from 9 October 2020.
Another option where I can buy textbooks to study is in the PowerPrint store on Suchdolské náměstí opposite of the bus stop No. 107. A list of textbooks that I can buy in the store can be found at the following link
Textbook exchange
Used books, study materials and professional publications can also be purchased at the annual semester event Textbook Exchange, organized by the student organization iZUN.eu the event takes place in the second week of the semester in the lobby of the cafeteria.
Other places
I can also use other available professional libraries, e.g.:
National Technical Library
I will find the National Technical Library (NTK) on the campus of the Czech Technical University and the Institute of Chemical Technology in Dejvice. In addition to 1.5 million volumes of professional literature, I can use large, small and team study rooms here, as well as printing and copying services. If I am more of a "night owl“ looking for peace to learn at night, I will certainly appreciate the local "Night Study Room“ which is open from 22:00 to 8:00. To enter the library I will need registration, which I have upon presentation of a valid ISIC for free. To save time, I can fill out the library’s website preregistration form.
Agricultural Library Antonín Švehla
The Antonin Svehla Library is the only specialized library in the Czech Republic thematically focused on agriculture, food and related fields. I will find the library at the Namesti Miru metro station. After registration, which is for a small fee this time, I can use, in addition to borrowing textbooks and professional publications, including domestic and foreign magazines, also a study room and access to a PC.

As a student of the Faculty of Economics and Management, I would appreciate that the Institute of Agricultural Economics and Information is also located within the same place. On their website I will find a lot of useful data that I can use not only for school work but also for projects.