At CZU I can choose from a wide range of sports activities ranging from yoga, aerobics, tennis, football, floorball, weightlifting, body forming, swimming, frisbee, and even several-day winter and summer courses.
Mandatory physical education is taught as a credit subject in the 1st year bachelor’s degrees at all faculties. The scope of mandatory physical education is always one lesson per week. Sports facilities are right on the university campus and I have a wide range of sports activities to choose from.

List of sports
Ball Sports:
- football,
- floorball,
- basketball,
- volleyball,
- softball,
- tennis,
- table tennis,
- frisbee,
Water Sports:
- swimming (advanced, intermediate, beginners),
- canoeing,
- aqua aerobics,
Fitness Sports:
- weightlifting,
- circuit training,
- aerobics,
- yoga,
- pilates,
- body forming.
Sport Courses
There is also the possibility to choose a sports course as a replacement for regular physical education, both in the winter and summer semesters. After completing the course, I will receive credit from physical education. However, the number of spotrs available for people is limited by the capacity of the courses.
FEM Golf Tour
FEM Golf Tour is an annual series of golf tournaments organized by the Golf Club of CZU (GKCZU), which I can participate as a student. Tournaments run from March to November usually the last Friday of the month from 1 p.m. The FEM Golf Tour also includes a golf tournament for the FEM Dean's Cup in Kestřany. I can also become a member of the CZU Golf Club (I can find out more about GKCZU by clicking on the Golf Club CZU button.
Sports activities at the CZU Department of Physical Education
From the blog of a student of FEM
Are you afraid that you will lose your fitness condition during your studies or you will not have time to go somewhere to exercise? Don't know what the possibilities or benefits are at the university? You will live in a dormitory and you want to know how to use your free time effectively? So, this article is for you.
The university offers many benefits, especially for students, so why not take advantage of it. The basic ones include physical education classes, which you choose within your own schedule of the first 14 days of the semester. Physical education is one of the compulsory subjects in both semesters of the first year. A complete selection of sports including a schedule will be displayed when writing the schedule. The selection of sports is wide, and is different in the winter and summer semester. You must attend at the hour you register for.
Thanks to the student identity card with the ISIC license, it is possible to attend other classes as well, after in agreement with the teacher. For example, if you have a friend you want to go workout with, just agree with the teacher individually, it is not necessary to record all lessons, which you want to attend. In order to get a credit at the end of the semester, it is necessary to attend at least one hour a week of sport from your schedule, which you will regularly attend to get a credit at the end of the semester. Your chosen physical education sport does not change during the semester. Additional hours are only an option, moreover, not replacing your chosen sport. Only in certain circumstances, such as being ill, there is an option to make up your absence in a different hour than is listed in your schedule. You can have two unexcused absences during the semester. The track next to the KTV (Department of Physical Education) is also open for students.
Another advantage, for example for students staying in the dormitory, is the morning swimming lessons during the semester. The swimming pool is usually open from 7 to 8 in the morning and again free of charge upon presentation of your ISIC card with the validity validation for the given school year mark. The morning hours are great for waking up before a busy day and with a little luck there won't be many people in the class. When it comes exam time, there are listed swimming lessons for students twice a day, in the morning and in the afternoon. If you on wish to swim until the evening, it is possible to visit the public swimming pool, which is 30 CZK for students. The exact times are then posted when entering the KTV (Department of Physical Education) at the beginning semester. Evening swimming takes place three times a week.
If you are not a fan of swimming but, for example, are a fan of group lessons, you will come to your senses here as well. Every night you can go to group lessons - such as circuit training, Pilates, Zumba, aerobics. These lessons are for a single price of 90 CZK per lesson. If you decide you want to go to more lessons, it is definitely worth buying a season pass for the semester. The permanent ticket costs CZK 1,000 for students and is unlimited in the number of lessons you can attend weekly so you can go every night. You will find the schedule again not only on the KTV website, but also in the lobby of the KTV building on the notice board.
You can also get a season pass for the gym, but the lessons for students are set at certain times, so it is better to consider the times that are listed to see if it will not be better to attend normal classes as part of the schedule. All information about times and prices - monthly, can be again found on the KTV website.
Last but not least, there is a wide offer of winter and summer courses. The courses are either replacing the normal physical education classes during the week or as an opportunity to go somewhere. The offer includes courses in the Czech Republic and abroad. In the summer, for example, you can go boating, cycling or swimming. In the winter, there is skiing where you can also go to the Alps. Most courses last one week and there are a lot to choose from.