University Animals
I can also meet various species of domesticated animals on the university campus.
Demonstration Stable and paddocks
While walking through the university campus, I can come across a demonstration stable and animal enclosures between the complex of buildings of the Faculty of the Environment Sciences (FES), the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences (FLD) and through the park (game reserve) I can run into the demonstration stable and paddocks with animals. In addition to classic farm animals such as rabbits, chickens, pigs, sheep or cows, I also find goats or llamas in the enclosure. In the building of the demonstration stable there is a special part with exotic animals (monkeys, gerbils, thistles, turtles, snakes, geckos), amphibians, fish, snails and other small animals included in pet farms.
Brandejs' farm
Within the demonstration and experimental workplaces (DEP) of the Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources (FAFNR), there is also a riding school on Brandejs's farm, where I can find a riding stable with horses. The historic Brandejs Farm is located not far from the university campus. If horses are my passion, I can get involved in the Academic Riding Club.
On the campus I can come across several neutered, chipped and partially domesticated cats. The cats are cared for on a daily basis (feeding, shelter from the freezing weather), by the Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources in cooperation with the Faculty of Economics, Nines lives organization, and by the veterinary clinic of MVDr. Martiny Načeradské. Among other things, the cats help reduce the incidence of unwanted rodents on the CZU campus.
If I see a cat on the university campus, it is most likely a controlled individual who does not need to be driven away, scared or fed in any way!
There are currently 4 beehives on the roof terrace of the MCEVII building of the Faculty of the Environment. Bees from these hives significantly contribute to the pollination of flowering plants in the vicinity of the FŽP and FLD building complex.
The new mobile application, which is paired with the Včelstva Online web portal, allows the general public to easily find honey sales from a yard in the region. The application allows you to search for a store in the vicinity and a store according to the specified municipality. I can always find my "beekeeper" now.
Note: The application is currently only for android.
Kennel Station
On the university campus I can also come across a Kennel station used for practical teaching of students of Cynology at FAFNR.