What scholarships can I get at CZU?
Students may be awarded financial support in the form of a scholarship. These are awards for good grades, extracurricular activities, as well as for studying abroad, a doctoral scholarship, help in a difficult situation of a student, and social accommodation scholarships.
To pay all scholarships, I need to have a completed and active Bank Connection card in the University Information System (UIS) – i.e. the specified Czech Bank account to which the scholarship is to be sent to.
Activation of the bank account is performed in UIS. After logging in, I will click on the Student Portal, then I will find the Bank Connection at the bottom of the page, and then a table will appear to fill in the account details.

Merit scholarship
The merit scholarship is awarded retrospectively for excellent results in the previous period or periods of study. The merit scholarship can be awarded as a lump sum or as a regular monthly amount. Details for the award of a merit scholarship can always be found in the internal regulations of the faculty, i.e. the order of the dean, which is published on the website of the faculty.
Newly, FEM CZU in Prague also pays a merit scholarship to new students with excellent results of the entrance exam, if the admission procedure takes place.
Accommodation scholarship
I am entitled to an accommodation scholarship if I study in full-time form, I have not exceeded the standard study period, I do not have a permanent residence in the territory of the capital city of Prague, or I am on a study internship abroad. I apply for an accommodation scholarship electronically at UIS. The application scholarship can be found in the tab "My studies“, then "Student Portal'', where the option "Application for accommodation scholarship“ is located below.
Accommodation scholarships are paid quarterly in the period from October to June. In case of extension of the standard study period, the accommodation scholarship is not paid.
Social scholarship
The social scholarship will be awarded to a student who has not exceeded the standard period of study, receives a child allowance and the family’s income determined for the purposes of the child allowance for a calendar year did not exceed 1.5 times the family’s subsistence level. I will apply for a social scholarship in writing at the FEM Study Department. The obligatory attachment to the application is the original "Communication for the purpose of awarding a scholarship“, which will be issued to me by the State Social Support Office.
Extraordinary scholarship
An extraordinary scholarship can be received by a student for excellent research results, for excellent sports results, to support the study of medically otherwise disadvantaged students or to support professional internships and excursions of students in the Czech Republic and abroad.